The Top 3 Truths about Coaching and Counseling in Federal Way, WA

There is a lot of misinformation about coaching and counseling in Federal Way. This can make it difficult to validate your need for mental support and to know which type of support is best. Check out some truths about mental health, coaching, and counseling that can help you determine your needs.

The truth about coaching & counseling services

1) Mental health support is real. Many are skeptical about whether mental health is actually a thing people need support for. While this may seem like a no-brainer (pun intended) to some, others may not be able to validate mental and emotional scars. This could be due to mental health not being normalized or talked about back in the day, and therapy tends to be the less recognized medical field. However, I have personal and professional evidence to support that people do actually suffer from mental health and overcome their issues with the support of a Federal Way therapist and other mental health providers.

2) Therapists don’t just “listen to people all day.” While listening is a core tool in a therapist’s toolbox, that is not all that we do. Therapy involves active listening and thoughtful reflection so clients know we are present with them. Therapy is a space where clients can unload their emotions and traumatic memories (and feel safe to do so), and it takes skill for a therapist to hold this space. Therapy also involves activities, worksheets, and other tools that provide a deeper processing and understanding of one’s thoughts and behaviors. Therapists have to be educated in how to utilize such tools. There’s such a misconception about therapy (usually from the ones who don’t believe therapy works) that we don’t do anything but sit and listen. Although sometimes that is useful for folks who don’t have someone to listen to them, therapy is much more involved than that.

3) Coaching and counseling are both helpful. Unfortunately, many therapists have negative views about life coaches. Having worked with coaches and therapists myself, I can vouch for both being helpful in their own ways. While coaching is less regulated and doesn’t require educational experience, coaches are able to help people in a more casual way - meaning they can support people from all over the world, not be restricted by insurance or legal requirements, and can be a bit more bold in their support. As long as a coach works ethically and don’t take advantage of their clients, this is a great form a support.

Therapy is highly regulated by a governing board and by individual states. There are ethics and laws that must be followed which prevents therapists from being able to practice outside of their licensed state and must follow various rules around how they practice. While this can be frustrating and may impact the ability to provide certain forms of therapy, holding therapists accountable is more likely to result in less harm to clients.

Coaching tends to be more focused on an immediate issue and is shorter-term. Coaching tends to be more solution-focused and doesn’t explore anything clinical. Therapy does focus on immediate issues but often includes an exploration of your past and how that impacts the present. Therapist can be solution-focused but also includes an exploration in clinical issues like anxiety and depression or other diagnosis.

For example when I processed with business coach they helped me with the day-to-day operations and exploring best practices for my business. When I processed with a therapist, we explored my shame and guilt around money, how people-pleasing was getting in the way of my business policies, and how the fear of failure impacts my business decisions. So you can see that both provided helpful support but in different ways.

In Summary…

Either coaching or therapy can be beneficial. It depends on what your current issues and symptoms are, along with how the professional provides support. Do some research on both and see if you connect with anyone. You’ll get a sense of which type of support is best for you once you start connecting with coaches and therapists.

Looking for counseling in Federal Way? Work with therapist who can support you mental and emotional needs.

Be Well,


Related articles: FAQs about Coaching and Counseling in Federal Way, WA and Top 5 Myths about Counseling in Federal Way, WA

Quality Counseling in Federal Way, WA and Online Therapy in Washington State

At Rainy Day Therapy, Katie offers the best counseling in Federal Way, WA within her scope of expertise! Katie is trained in attachment theory, feminist therapy, solution-focused therapy, mindfulness, ADHD, communication and boundaries, relationship needs, identity building, and disordered eating & body acceptance. Katie works best with women, queer identities, plus size folks, non-binary and gender fluid individuals, and highly sensitive people. Rainy Day Therapy provides counseling in Federal Way, WA and online therapy in Washington state. Interested in working with Katie? Book a free 15min consult here.

Have questions about counseling in Federal Way? Check out the FAQ page for more info.


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