ADHD Counseling Federal Way, WA

ADHD Counseling for Women & Queer Adults

Serving Federal Way, Seattle, Tacoma, and nearby cities

You’ve heard the word “neurodivergence” and see a lot of people online talking about ADHD. You relate to some of the common symptoms and experiences, but you’re not sure if you quite fit the bill. All you know is that your brain feels chaotic and has a hard time turning off. You struggle to manage your schedule or complete tasks on time. You may often be late to appointments or forget about social obligations. You worry people think you’re lazy or flaky but really, you just struggle to mange all your to-do’s while your brain is busy thinking of a song or movie quote that you can’t get out of your head. You notice how your professional and personal life are impacted by this…

ADHD and Work

You want to feel confident at your job and feel reliable and supportive to your team, but keeping up with tasks and asking for help is challenging. You’ve tried implementing alarms and checklists, but nothing seems to help. When you notice your colleagues appear to manage the workload just fine, you wonder “is there something wrong with me?” It’s exhausting to manage work while feeling inadequate at what you do. Maybe this feels familiar to when you were a kid struggling to focus and participate in school. Adults in your life may or may not have noticed you struggling, so shame followed you into adulthood due to a lack of support. Even now your colleagues may not know your challenges because you’ve become good at masking your dysfunction and avoid asking for help. It takes an incredible amount of energy to just get through your day and you’re tired of suffering alone.

ADHD & Relationships

You want to feel connected to your loved ones but you find maintaining relationships to be difficult. Remembering to answer your loved ones’ texts or call them back is challenging. You don’t like when people suggest you don’t care about them or don’t put enough effort into the relationship. It’s possible you’re so burnt out that you’ve spent a lot of time shut down and isolated but don’t know how to explain this to anyone. Maybe you’ve been preoccupied with a project or activity so you don’t even think about socializing. It’s the “out of sight, out of mind” that creates conflict in your relationships. You desire more consistent connection with people. It’s not that you don’t care about your relationships, it’s just challenging to be intentional about them. You’re tired of the guilt and loneliness that comes from this problem.

You’re exhausted from living in mental chaos and you’re ready to get help.

ADHD Federal Way Therapist

Hi, I’m Katie a licensed therapist providing ADHD support in Federal Way and online in Washington State. I work with women and queer adults who struggle with neurodivergence, specifically ADHD symptoms. Whether you’ve been diagnosed or suspect you have some neuro-spiciness, I can help assess your symptoms and ways to manage life’s chaos. When working together, you’ll see a change in therapy by understanding your brain’s processes, creating tangible tools to manage tasks, and learning to let go of guilt and shame. You’ll also learn how to communicate your thoughts and behaviors to loved ones so they can understand how to engage in relationship with you and support you.

ADHD therapy works best on a weekly basis - the more consistent, the better. My approach is compassionate and casual while being firm and challenging when appropriate. We will spend the first couple of sessions getting to know each other and how your brain functions. After we establish goals, I’ll give you clear, direct homework and tools to practice outside of sessions. My neurospiciness is mild but my spouse has every ADHD symptom in the book, so I know how complicated life can be with ADHD and the challenges of navigating it in a relationship. You will find that I balance my personal experience with professional support, providing you a well-rounded therapy experience.

What about Medication?

While I don’t prescribe medication, many clients with ADHD explore that route with another provider, who I’m happy to connect with in support of your treatment. However, if medication is not your preferred route that’s totally fine too. We will explore clear, concrete ways to organize your life and create habits that increase your ability to focus, accomplish tasks, manage time, remember important people and events, and stay present in your relationships.

Life does not have to feel chaotic! Let’s befriend your brain and get life on track. Book a FREE 15min consultation here. Discover what therapy would be like with a therapist who understands the complexities of neurodivergence and is ready to walk this journey with you.