What to Expect from Counseling with a Federal Way Therapist

Sometimes it’s confusing to know what type of support you need and with all the therapy options in Federal Way, it can be even harder to know who is the best fit. When you’re looking for counseling in Federal Way, WA it’s important to know what to expect from a therapy experience and how you’re mental health benefits from investing in counseling support.

I’ll lay out the expectations for the initial consult, first session, and duration of treatment with your potential therapist.

What to expect from your initial consult with a Federal Way therapist

Calling a therapist for the first time can be scary and a little awkward, but it’s also the best time to interview your therapist and make sure they can actually meet your needs. Really use this time to your benefit and ask all the hard hitting questions. You should leave the call feeling like you understand your therapist’s style, how they can help you meet your specific goals, what practice policies they have, how much it costs to work with them, and feel connected to them. I’ll give an example of how an initial call could go…

Consultations with me are broken into two categories - logistics and support. We start with whichever category feels easiest to you. If it’s logistics, we explore scheduling, payment, policies, etc. to ensure your basic needs around these things are met. Then we explore the type of support you’re looking for. I typically ask about what has brought you to therapy and we may or may not cover things like relationships, childhood, trauma, anxiety, depression, body and food issues, systemic issues, and self-worth. Once I understand your history and presenting problem a little better, I explain my role as your therapist and what my style of counseling looks like. You’re welcome to ask any further questions to make sure we are a good fit. If it means asking if I have kids, or if I support LGBTQ+, or if I’m competent in certain mental health issues, etc. then please ask so that you feel fully comfortable and confident in our connection.

If we decide to work together, then we move forward in scheduling our first session and completing paperwork. If for whatever reason you don’t think we would be a good fit, I always have referrals to offer so you can continue on in your search. My goal is to connect you with whoever will meet your support needs whether that’s me or not. I’ve shopped around for therapists before and know how important finding the right connection is to the process, so I totally get it!

Rainy Day Therapy office in Federal Way, WA

What to expect in your first session with a Federal Way therapist

The first therapy session is really a continuation of the consultation. This is a great time to get to know your therapist better through their body language, how they present, the way their office looks, and how they conduct themselves in a session. You’ll likely enter the first session with a bit of nerves, but the hope is that building connection with your therapist lessens those nerves and solidifies your decision to work with them. All therapists conduct their first sessions differently so I’ll give you an example of how a session with me could go…

Yay! We’ve scheduled our first session. This will take place either at my office in Federal Way, WA (pictured above) or online via telehealth. We begin by going over all the paperwork so you fully understand the boundaries and policies you’re consenting to. Then we continue exploring your history and support needs while establishing therapy goals. Use this session to really gauge whether or not I can support you in the way you need. Again, I encourage you to ask whatever questions you need to feel connected and trusting of our relationship.

The first 1-3 sessions can feel like a lot of “word dumping” on your end, but that is totally normal. While you’re sharing your stories, I’m gathering info like themes, relationship dynamics, reasons for anxiety/depression symptoms, etc. that will be helpful in establishing our course of treatment. The first session is where we start to build trust and where you may share some things out loud for the first time. Don’t be surprised if you feel overwhelmed or have an emotional response.

You should leave our initial session feeling confident in my ability to support you, feeling heard and seen, and a touch relieved that you are starting your healing process.

How long is mental health treatment for counseling in Federal Way?

This is a common question when folks start exploring therapy treatment. It makes sense that you would want to know how long you’re investing time, money, and energy into this process. However, it’s hard to predict when you’ll see change and feel like your therapy goals are met. As cliche as that answer is, it really does depend on your specific needs and the level of commitment you give to meeting your goals. Someone coming in with a goal to manage anxiety at work is probably going to take less time to graduate therapy than someone whose goal is to heal from trauma. It’s also common to start therapy wanting to work on one thing and finding that many other issues come up along the way. So for the person who is dealing with work anxiety, they may realize that this anxiety exists in other parts of their life, potentially stems from trauma, and now therapy is focused on processing more than they originally thought. This is why predicting an end date is so challenging.

What I can say is that clients who work with me tend to see change within the first 4-6mo. This happens when you attend consistent weekly sessions and practice tools or self-reflection outside of session. I require all new clients commit to at least 10-12 weekly sessions so we have time to establish your history, needs, and goals. We engage in consistent outcomes conversations where we check in about the process, where you’re at, and if we need to pivot anything. The goal is to not be in therapy forever, but pressuring yourself to complete your goals or heal wounds quickly can prolong the process and increase symptoms. If at any time you worry about the length or treatment of feel like progress isn’t happening, I encourage you to voice your needs.

In Summary…

  • Make that first call! You don’t know who could be the right fit until you start talking with a Federal Way therapist

  • Once you schedule a first session, use that time to get your questions answered and assess whether or not your therapist can meet your needs.

  • Once you start diving into the therapy process, don’t pressure yourself to complete it too soon. Speak up if you are worried about the timeline or need a different form of support. You are in charge of your therapy experience so always advocate for your needs!

Are you looking for counseling in Federal Way, WA? Connect with a therapist who is invested in your wellness and provides quality, caring support by clicking the button below.

Be Well,

- Katie G.

Related articles: Find a Federal Way Therapist or Counselor

Quality Counseling in Federal Way, WA and Online Therapy in Washington State

At Rainy Day Therapy, Katie offers the best counseling in Federal Way, WA within her scope of expertise! Katie is trained in attachment theory, feminist therapy, solution-focused therapy, mindfulness, ADHD, communication and boundaries, relationship needs, identity building, and disordered eating & body acceptance. Katie works best with women, queer identities, plus size folks, non-binary and gender fluid individuals, and highly sensitive people. Rainy Day Therapy provides counseling in Federal Way, WA and online therapy in Washington state. Interested in working with Katie? Book a free 15min consult here.

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Questions to Ask a Federal Way Therapist