Bold Boundaries Workshop

A program dedicated to helping you set boundaries and voice your needs in relationships

Setting boundaries can be hard

That’s why I’ve created an 8 week online workshop that provides simple and affective tools for direct communication and boundary setting. You’ll receive direct support from me and the Bold Boundary community.

This is not therapy and should not be used in place of consistent therapy support. We will not explore therapeutic techniques, diagnosis, medication, trauma, or other clinical issues that would otherwise be explored in therapy.

How many of these describe you?

  • “I don’t exactly know what a boundary is. I’m starting fresh with this stuff.”

  • “Whenever I try to voice my needs or opinions the other person just gets mad at me and we end up fighting.”

  • “I’m not sure what I need in relationships. Thinking about emotional needs is difficult.”

  • “I get so nervous when I try to set boundaries that I end up shutting down in the moment…it’s like my brain goes blank.”

  • “I’m not sure I can set boundaries in my relationships. I might get punished for it.”

  • “I don’t feel like people respect my boundaries but I don’t tell them that. I don’t want them to be mad at me so I just let them do what they want.”

  • “I tend to people-please so I don’t speak up when I’m uncomfortable. I just want to keep the peace and make sure everyone is happy.”

  • “My parents never taught me how to set boundaries or I wasn’t allowed to have them.”

  • “I try to do things on my own. I feel like a burden when I need help.”

  • “I avoid being vulnerable. It makes me uncomfortable and I don’t want to be perceived as weak.”

  • “Doesn’t setting boundaries or being assertive make me rude? I don’t want to be seen as a bitch.”

  • “I don’t stand up for myself in relationships because I’m afraid they’ll all leave me.”

If you resonated with at lease one of these, chances are communicating your needs is challenging. It is for most people. Unless you were taught self-awareness, assertiveness, and vulnerability during childhood, then boundaries in your adult relationships are often complicated and miscommunicated. The Bold Boundaries workshop addresses all of the above concerns and teaches how to communicate clearly while showing vulnerability.

So what’s included?

Online training modules

You’ll have access to an online training platform with 8 week’s worth of modules pertaining to communication, self-reflection, and boundary structures.


A workbook with reflection prompts will be provided that coincides with the online training.

Group & Individual Support

You’ll be invited to weekly online group calls where we can explore questions or particular challenges together. There will also be mini 1:1 sessions with me throughout the program.

The investment

If spending $1500 on this workshop sounds crazy, consider this…

  • What would you pay if you could have more fulfilling and lasting relationships?

  • What would you pay if you could feel less anxious and have more self-confidence?

  • What would you pay to no longer have toxic behavior/people in your life?

  • What would you pay if you didn’t feel like you had to hide or stay silent when a boundary is crossed?

  • What would you pay if you spent less time worrying about what you need and how to get it?

Whether you’re ready to sign up or need more info, book a consult call today.

I don’t believe in sales calls or being pushy when it comes to mental and emotional wellness. Bold Boundaries will work for you if it’s a good fit and you’re ready to commit. I certainly won’t waste your time or money if we conclude that this program wouldn’t be a benefit to you. Let’s chat and find out!